Welcome adventurers to the May newsletter for Mythril Made and Heroes and Mortals Radio!
As always, thank you all for signing up and supporting our radio station and our Etsy shop and if you know anyone that might be interested in what we’re up to, please send them this link to sign up for our newsletter: https://mythrilmade.com/newsletter/.
Subscribers to our newsletter get the goods, but only if you visit the Subscriber page on our website where 1) you will need the below password to enter, and 2) all your freebies are stored and updates are posted.
Subscriber Only Password: *** Access code only for subscribers to our newsletter ***
Use this password to access the Subscriber Only Content at https://mythrilmade.com/subscribers/.

Monthly Product Give-Aways:
Don’t forget to sign up for our monthly product give-away on the above subscriber page! Each month we select a random person that filled out the “Monthly Product Raffle” form and send them a free gift from our Etsy shop!
Free Digital Content
Our Foundations of Fantasy Book Series (the reprinting of Howard Pyle’s 1903 The Story of King Arthur) has some new chapters coming out in PDF form soon and our free fantasy coloring book is available to subscribers via PDF download.
Mythril Made Subscriber Deals:
Subscriber-only exclusive!
Use the coupon code below for 15% off any purchase!
*** Promo code only for subscribers to our newsletter ***
Offer cannot be combined with other coupon codes.
Father’s Day and Bookmark Combo Gift Set
Our Mother’s Day cards did quite well and with Father’s Day coming up we want to make sure the fantasy dads out there aren’t forgotten, so we’ve introduced a combo gift set of our “Shire Scene” Father’s Day card and line of bookmarks! Father’s Day is June 16th so grab your gifts soon.
Custom Orders
Announced last month, we’ve begun accepting limited custom orders in our Etsy shop. If you like any of our existing products but want a different color card stock or stationary paper we now handle those requests directly through Etsy via the “Request Custom Order” button on our shop home page at https://mythrilmade.etsy.com.
Shop and Studio Build
Those that follow us may remember some of the custom type, foil press, and other “hardware” we’ve been acquiring as we build out and set up our own studio space this summer. This past week we acquired our new (well, we’re the new owners) Chandler and Price press! This 800lb monster is about 125 years old and was quite the beast to haul, but we got it out of the previous owner’s basement and over to our space. We won’t be setting it up for awhile yet as we have some work on the studio space to do but we’ll be sure to post some more pics and videos of it as we get it cleaned up and back in working condition. We’re very excited to have this and be working with it soon and can’t wait to create some really unique pieces with it to share with all of you.
We’ve been very lucky and all our reviews have been greatly positive (and it’s nice to hear that little ding on our phones when a review comes through), like this one:
“Beautiful card! This shop did an amazing job crafting this. They included something extra in with the card too. So fun!”
– Katherine
Heroes and Mortals Radio
Epic fantasy and sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!
Last month was our “May the 4th Be With You” Mythic Event with a day long play of the music of Star Wars and if you want even *more* sci-fi, then tune in Monday nights from 6-11pm Pacific for our “Sci-Fi Journey’s” evening of themed programming, every Monday night!
Thank you all for taking the time to read through our newsletter this month and if you know anyone who might be interested in what we’re doing, toss them one (or both) of the links below:
https://mythrilmade.com | https://heroesandmortals.com
Mark and Jeff, still lost in space, from Mythril Made and Heroes and Mortals Radio.
PO Box 80471
Portland OR 97280
Our newsletter is only emailed once per month, we’d appreciate you sharing this signup link (https://mythrilmade.com/newsletter/) with anyone that might have an interest in what we’re doing.